Akos Creative

Craft Your Joy: Healing Through Creativity, Style, and Faith

12 Signs You’re Hoarding Craft Supplies – And how to Stop!

Hoarding Craft Supplies is a common issue among creatives- even more often that you might imagine. In fact, hoarding in general can lead to cluttered spaces. While Crafting is fun, therapeutic, and meaningful activity, trying to meander around unused materials is certainly not. It is indeed a sheer frustration overdose. And my happy crafters, you do not need this- trust me. .

But let’s be real—hoarding craft supplies is a struggle many of us face. You love shopping for materials. You find deals you can’t pass up. That Temu craft haul arrives, and suddenly, your space is overflowing. Sound familiar? Okay, so let me ask you this…

Are you really hoarding craft supplies? Don’t worry. You’re not alone! And I’m not here to judge anyone. Instead, today, all I want to do is stand by you as we unclutter craft supplies together.

I’ve been through this and am still phasing out some aspects of it I’ll admit. So, I’m here to share what I’ve learned. As a creative enthusiast, I understand the temptation to buy new supplies, especially when they’re on sale or when a new project idea sparks excitement. However, accumulating materials without using them can lead to cluttered spaces and unnecessary stress.

Hang on, I am not leavng the Creative Brothers out as I know some of you tried your hands creative projects of your own during COVID 19 lockdown.

So, let’s start this conversation- craft hoarding, why it happens, and how to stop. Let’s explore the signs of craft hoarding and discover effective strategies to manage and prevent it.


Hoarding craft supplies involves keeping materials without using them, resulting in cluttered and overwhelming spaces. This behaviour can hinder creativity and lead to stress.

Take for example, I love buying beads, threads, and needles. Don’t blame me, they are all so gorgeous -they are so colourful! But, they pile up in my room. I forget my plans for them. This makes my space messy. It is hard to find things. I feel stressed. Too many supplies can stop creativity. Let’s keep our craft areas tidy. This way, we can enjoy making things! I want to share these key signs that you’re actually becoming a hoarder of craft supplies. I will then give my proven tips on how to stop hoarding craft supplies this which eventually blocks your creative flow.


Now, if you are not sure whether you fit into the category of craft supply hoarders, please read my 12 signs. I picked up these signs from my seven years of crafting and osberving other crafter’s behaviours.

1. Buying New Craft Supplies without Plans to Use them

I love buying new craft supplies. For instance, I am easily drawn to the bright beads and colourful threads always catch my eye as, I have already mentioned. But then I start to think, “These are perfect for a project!” But then, I put them away and forget as more urgent tasks prop up. And guess what happens. Yes, the packages stay unopened. Eventually, small studio room fills up with things I haven’t used in a while. So, it soon becomes like collecting treasures that never see the light of day. This makes my space messy and my mind cluttered.

2. Owning Several of the Same Craft Tools

If you have more than one of the same craft tools, you’re most likely becoming a craft hoarder. For me, this is what tends to happen and I guess might be similar for you too. In my ‘rush hours’, sometimes, I buy tools I already have without realising. So, I see a shiny pair of scissors or a soft paintbrush and can’t resist. It can be small variations sucj as the different coloured handle or a simple silver ring at the edge.

Later, I find I have two or three of the same item but only when I find time sorting out my craft tools. It’s like finding twins in my toolbox! This happens because I forget what I own. My collection grows, but I still reach for the same favourite tools. Sometimes, I can’t help it when prices drop in online craft supplies in places such as Temu craft haul. This behaviour can lead people to hoarding craft supplies.

3. How my Workspace End Up in a Clutter

If you have been following Akos Creative on Social Media, you may have come across cluttered jewelry making workspaces. For example, check out some of my earlier posts on Instagram, Facebook or my Youtube channels EthicalPreneur  and African Diaspora Lens. My craft table gets full and this looks untudy?

So, when my craft workspace gets cluttered for example, then this is what usually happens. As an example,the round beads start to roll around. Likewise as the colourful African wax print fabric pile up, they get entangles with the beading cords. As fabric offcuts and jewelry findings gets tangle together, unfortunately, so does my creative brain. I feel clogged up emotionally when there’s barely any space to work.

Eventually, I try to make something, but the mess gets in the way. It’s like trying to paint on a crowded canvas. The clutter makes it hard to focus and enjoy crafting. This definetly slows down my productivity and eventually dampens my creative urge.

4. Forgetting Craft Materials I Already Own

It’s common to often forget what craft supplies I already have without proper craft organisers. Then I think, “Do I have blue yarn?” Not sure, I buy more. Later, I find the old yarn hiding in a drawer. It’s like a surprise gift I didn’t know I had! The only difference is I could have avoided this. Now, the reason this happens is because my things aren’t well organised.

Now, because I can’t see what I own, I keep buying the same items. This is craft hoarding. But not until I discovered the benefits or good organisation, I lost precious creative time. Read my blog on How to Organise your Creative Tools.

5. Feeling Guilty Over Craft Supplies Hoarding?

Sometimes, when I look at my unused craft supplies, I am not impressed. Craft hoarding is problematic if left unchecked for a long time. What eventually happens to me is, I see the untouched fabrics and think, “I should have used these by now.” Often times, the guilt feels heavy, like a stone in my stomach. And, all I wanted was to create beautiful handmade jewellery. Honestly, I had it all planned in my mind. But instead, I collect all these assortments of colourful African print fabric off-cuts during my holidays in Ghana, only to leave them stashed in my travelling bags. This is how I hoard materials for jewellery making.

If you have a similar mess, don’t give up. I’ve come up with some great new ways to organise my colourful fabric off-cuts to help stop craft hoarding. Check out how I recycle my different fabric pieces for jewellery making. This method is different from how quilter’s organise their fabric swatch. So,be sure to check out this in upcoming blog articles. You may as well subscribe now to my EthicalPreneur Youtube channel for when I upload this informatve video.

For a visual guide on how to recycle fabric pieces into jewellery, you can watch this video: Turning Trash Into Jewelry | EthicalPreneur

6. Creative Projects that Never Get Finished

I often start many projects with excitement, but some never finish because of craft hoarding. When I began my creative journey in Australia, I explored different art media and materials. For example, I tried tie-dyeing to create colourful silk scarves. I purchased all the needed fabric dye, dye fasteners, and even a silk screen sheet from one of Melbourne’s leading craft suppliers, Dean’s Art.

Somewhere along the line, I revisited my first creative love: painting pictures. I handpicked quality gouache paints and watercolour sets from my local thrift art shops. I remember being so inspired to enter my artwork into our local Whittlesea Art Show in Melbourne back in 2012. However, when my artwork didn’t make it to the finals, my interest fizzled out.

Again, I went on a craft supply spree in my local thrift shops, this time focusing on paper crafts. Cardmaking projects can be notorious for creating craft hoarding. For example, cardmaking materials are low cost—think cardstock, stencils, brads, and scissors. Around that time, I didn’t shop much online, so it was all the usual stroll to local two-dollar shops, as we call them here in Australia. But your guess is right. Soon, another idea popped up. I left the first project unfinished and jumped to the next. My room is full of half-done crafts.

In fact, I still have the easel and drawing boards. I will use them in projects someday and share them with you when I do. It’s like reading many books but never reaching the end of any story. Look, I did complete some projects, though. I entered my artwork three times into the Annual Art Exhibition—this year, the theme is “Hope: A Spectrum of Possibility.

If you plan to enter your creative work, I’ll encourage you to do so. Tag me in your photos on Instagram as AkosCreative or EthicalJewellery.


7. Craft Hoarding –  Am I Still Hanging onto the Past?

I find it hard to throw away craft materials and this is big an issue as letting go of the past. So for instance, even a small piece of fabric can be useful. Its the same story – Oh I might need this to finish a special earring. So, I keep tiny scraps of African cloth. I also save little ribbons and bits of cotton cord. I think, “I might need this soon for my next necklace.” Because of this, my drawers are full of bits and pieces. Letting go feels hard, like saying goodbye to old friends.

On a different note, I want to talk about letting go. This is important for feeling good in our minds. As some of you know, I have worked in mental health. That’s why I care about how crafting helps us feel better. I plan to learn more about letting go, hoarding, and other common mental health issues. These often involve filling empty feelings with things we don’t need. Until then, you might find Anna Runkle’s Youtube content helpful. She talks about childhood trauma as a common cause of hoarding and other behaviours. Her YouTube channel is called “Crappy Childhood Fry.” It’s a rather interesting but catchy name for a serious subject. Kudos to Anna for sharing her story and helping people deal with their past, and present craft hoarding challenges.

8. Justifying Every Purchase

I often find myself justifying new craft purchases. For instance, I might see a set of vibrant markers and think, “These will make my drawings pop!” Even though I already have similar supplies at home, the allure of something new convinces me to buy. It’s as if my mind crafts reasons to add more to my collection.

This habit leads to accumulating items I don’t immediately need, cluttering my space and overwhelming my creative process. So, recognising this pattern is the first step towards mindful purchasing and appreciating the materials I already possess.

9. Jewellery Supplies Encroaching on Living Spaces

My craft items spread beyond my work area  but this is not always intended like that. For example the dining table holds my sewing kit while the couch has knitting needles tucked in the cushions. Even the kitchen counter has a jar of buttons. My crafts are like friendly vines, creeping into every corner of my home. Not until I found clever craft oraganising storage boxes from Temu. I made a video sharing my craft storage ideas – check it out from EthicalPreneur Youtibe channel.

If you’re an ethical crafter working on a tight bughet, I believe that Temu Storage Containers comes handy for craft hoarders and homemakers alike. Check it out now. Rembemer, I do get a paid commission when you make a purchase through any of my affiliate links at no extra cost to you. WIth Temu, you can start earining huge commission starting today, by signing up to be an affilliate. Its really easy- click on this link to start earning along with me today. Click the link  to join ⭐️Temu Affiliate Program⭐️! Up to 💰AU$100,000 per month is waiting for you~!

10. Purchases Are Forgotten But Take Up Space

Have you ever wondered why new items don’t seem to fit in your home? Craft hoarding can take up needed space if it’s unchecked. Last year, I started downsizing my creative studio. I donated lots of my unused craft supplies to my local Opportunity Shop. Recycling is also a good thing—it helps save our environment. It also allows others to enjoy the craft tools and materials you no longer find use for. So, no more secret treasure chests hiding underneath my bed. I am using more transparent storage boxes for my craft supplies.

Organsing craft hauls into transparent craft boxes help make visible all I own. This way, I don’t keep buying the same craft items. This simple process can help you avoid hoarding. So, don’t feel guilty, which leads to going to lengths to try and hide your jewelry-making hauls. Eventually, it all stacks up and is exposed, which can feel embarrassing. So, lay all your materials out, use transparent storage boxes where possible to keep track of all you own.

Looking for more storage ideas for home or craft organisers at pocket friendly prices? I am sharing craft storage boxes both from Temu and other online shops to compare.

11. Perpetual Organising Plans

I often plan to organise my supplies but alas its a never ending plan. And here is how it goes. I think, “This weekend, I’ll sort everything.” But the weekend comes and goes, and the mess remains. My plans are like bubbles that pop and disappear. I dream of a tidy space but never make it happen. But not until I implemented craft supply organising plan. Now, I’ve been an Amazon shopper for a while now. They have huge collection of jewellery craft organisers and boxes you need to check out. I never stress over quality of Amazon products and the best part is they deliver fast too. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Acrylic Jewelry Organizer 5 Drawers Clear Jewelry Box with Flannel Lining Cosmetics Earrings Ring Bracelet Necklace Holder Accessories Storage Box

So, if you made a purchase from an Amazon link, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. So go ahead and check out some of their best selling jewellery organisers like this beige coloured one from Horhear.

Craft organising needs a plan and a simple one as I used can help you. To help you organise your craft supplies, here are some recommended storage solutions from Temu, and other online shops.

12. Stress Over Crafting

Stress over crafting isn’t the way to go, but it does happen if you’re craft hoarding. Crafting should be fun, that’s why I encourage everyone to start crafting along with me. But here’s the thing: if you’re getting anxious about starting a new jewellery project, perhaps it’s the piles of supplies and unfinished projects astarting to scare you away. If, so, then this is a strong indication that it’s time to pause and take stock of all your jewellery-making supplies. Stop craft supplies hoarding before it can spill over into a much deeper psychological problem.

It might sound easier said than done, but I’ve got your back. For starters, organising excessive craft hauls isn’t easy. In fact, feeling overwhelmed with jewellery-making supplies tells me that creative jewellery making has no longer been therapeutic for you. It’s more like you’re now carrying a heavy backpack you cannot yet unload. Instead of joy, crafting brings stress. I need to find a way to make it enjoyable again.

If this is you, please continue reading, because I have developed a simple but helpful DIY Plan on how to stop hoarding craft supplies. As I keep updating both my online articles and video resources via the EthicalPreneur YouTube channel, be sure to subscribe or bookmark my Akos Creative webpage for more.

My Favourite Jewellery Storage boxes for craft supplies hoarders

Jewellery storage boxes are not made the same. In fact, to help my Akos Creative fans, I have created videos about the different ways to organise handmade earrings and bracelets. I’ve further developed this fully loaded content for my Akos Creative blog audience including you. In upcoming posts, I explain the different types, how to make craft storage using reclable materials and some of the best places to shop quality jewellery storage and organisers. Whilst I finalise this article, you might want to start your journey to organised crafting with these simple jewellery storage ideas. So, here, are some recommended storage solutions:

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